Some of my ideas may seem radical, socialist or even anti-capitalist, yet once you read more you may actually start to see it as a plan. Someone somewhere needs to start with a plan for our national recovery and so far all I’ve heard from Washington are the same old stories filled with innuendo and finger pointing. The current plan is to cross your fingers and hope for a better day tomorrow, this is the way children deal with problems, not elected officials we call adults.
The debt ceiling crisis didn’t need to be an eleventh hour deal, in fact August second was a fictitious date with no bearing whatsoever on whether we could pay our bills and sustain our national programs. The debt ceiling crisis was manufactured and manipulated by our elected officials to muster votes! That’s right, VOTES! Our government over the past three decades have spent us into the toilet and flushed us out to sea. Government needs to start treating itself as a business, “YOU CANNOT SPEND MORE THEN YOU MAKE”! When in God’s name are they going to learn this? The sole purpose of this blog is to stimulate people into voicing their concerns and their ideas to remedy our weak albeit stagnant economy. We need action now, because two more years of what we are currently experiencing is going to place us on the precipice of a national collapse. Our economic collapse will undoubtedly result in a world economic meltdown of unparalleled proportions. This will surely displace hundreds of millions of people around the globe. This would force millions into personal financial distress which will further exacerbate the problem. We may not have anarchy in the streets but I can assure you it won’t be a pretty sight.
We take for granted as Americans that we can drive to the bank, take out our money and go the grocery store to buy our food. If we actually fall over the cliff financially there will be no money or it will be worthless, if you think that’s not bad enough there may be no food in the stores because the grocer may have gone bankrupt. Or worse, the farmer was forced off his land by the bank. Fuel prices over the last year have been the highest in US history, culminating to a climax in the second quarter of 2011, this effectively triggered higher food prices and the prices of a myriad of other commodities we use day-to-day. Consumer spending has almost slowed to a trickle since the start of the second quarter and doesn’t look like it’s on the upswing anytime soon.Our politicians have been ignorant of the American dream for a long time and they prove this by spending out of control. The two political parties at this juncture jostle for control of the house and the senate with no regard for your well being or for your best interests. They are only concerned with votes and how to make the other party look bad in the eyes of the American public. In my humble opinion both parties look pretty bad right now and it will literally take someone with guts and stamina to get the job done in the white house. We need a course correction fast or we will run aground.
When your house is on fire you run outside, call the fire department and hose down the flames with water. Governmentally speaking, our house is on fire and they just purchased another air conditioner to dissipate the heat and stay inside a little longer. They couldn’t afford the air conditioner yet they bought it, I am speaking of course about the debt ceiling limit. Our government just sanctioned us going further into debt without really cutting out the wasteful spending that got us here in the first place. What a plan! If more American households ran their budgets this way, we’d all be bankrupt!I have always been a supporter and admirer of Ronald Reagan. Ron, we need you or someone like you to lead us from the road of destruction. Why is it that everyone is so hung up on whether or not a specific person looks presidential or has a sense of humor? Quite frankly, I couldn’t give a damn if the person running for president was a dry as a mule bone in the middle of Texas, as long as he or she were qualified by track record alone on getting the job done. You don’t need to be a stand-up comedian to President. To be president you need: innovation, persuasion, class, self respect, firmness, thoughtfulness, self reliant, resilient, strong and willing to compromise yet unbending to those who still advocate wasteful spending in Washington.
As an American, awaken to what is going on around you. Please send us your thoughts and ideas. We can only get through this together. My following post will list actions that can help put us on the road to national growth and prosperity.David
I feel government has gotten too big. Far too much money is spent on wasteful initiatives that we as Americans can do without. Millions of American households have had to cut back on lavish purchases the last three years, it's about time Washington starts emulating the American public. My only suggestion is that we need to start drilling for our own oil supply and stop sending billions per year overseas to our enemy's. This will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, reduce our fuel prices, create jobs and stimulate one sector of our economy. Reduce fuel prices and we can reduce the prices of food and other staples that also drive this economy!